Hernia Symptoms and Treatment Options

Each year, hernias affect millions of Americans, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, yet experts believe hundreds of thousands suffer in silence, primarily because they fear surgery.

Hernias are caused when there is a weakness or hole in the abdominal wall. They can be painful and cause discomfort, often preventing people from taking part in physical activities they love. Ignoring symptoms may lead to complications that can be life-threatening.

Hernias are very common in physically demanding jobs, but can also be dependent on other factors, such as family history, obesity, pregnancy, straining caused by physical exercise, coughing, and smoking. Over time, a hernia can get larger and, in some cases, could progress to the point of needing immediate attention.

Common types of hernias include:

  • Inguinal and Femoral Hernias — These form in the groin.
  • Umbilical Hernia — This type forms near the navel.
  • Hiatal Hernia — This hernia forms on the diaphragm and allows the esophagus and stomach to move up into the chest cavity.
  • Incisional or Ventral Hernia— These can form at the site of past surgical incisions.
  • Epigastric Hernia — These can form between your chest and navel.

"The most common abdominal-related hernias we see are in the umbilical and groin areas, or from a previous incision," according to McLaren Bay Region general surgeon Chris Uitvlugt, MD. "Feeling or seeing a bulge that you might need to push back in, usually with some level of pain or discomfort are typical symptoms."

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Hernia Symptoms and Treatment

"If the pain becomes severe and the bulge can no longer be pushed in, those can be emergency signs of an intestine that is stuck and requires surgery," says Dr. Fahy.

"Most often, hernias can be diagnosed with a physical exam," adds Dr. Fahy. "It is important to contact your primary care physician to discuss what symptoms you are having and when they started."

Treatment options include non-surgical and surgical options. When surgery is the option, minimally invasive approaches can be used in some cases which can result in reduced recovery times and minimal scarring; benefits of robotic surgery results vary.

Dr. Fahy is seeing patients in his West Branch and Bay City clinic locations.

(989) 779-5230

Ryan Fahy, MD, General Surgeon
Ryan Fahy, DO
General Surgeon

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High Quality Surgical Care at McLaren

McLaren surgeons specialize in the latest minmially invasive surgical techniques to provide the best treatment for our patients.

Our experienced surgeons will work with you to provide the best treatment plan including both non-surgical and surgical.treatment options.

Common Conditions Treated include:

  • Minimally Invasive Surgery
    Abdominal Wall Hernia
    Hiatal Hernia
    Inguinal Hernia
    Small Bowel
  • General Surgery
    Colonoscopy & EGD
    Skin & Soft Tissue

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