Gallbladder Disease: Symptoms and Treatment Options

Gallstones are formed when substances in the bile, like cholesterol, harden. Gallstones can be unnoticeable or asymptomatic. However, if these stones become stuck in a duct, you may experience what is called a gallbladder attack.

Other symptoms of a gallbladder attack include:

  • Tenderness in your abdomen when touched
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Yellow-ish color to your skin or white of your eyes
  • Nausea, belching, or vomiting
  • Fever or chills

Changing your diet to one low in saturated fats, sugar, carbs and high in fiber and calcium helps reduce bile concentration. Obesity is also a top predictor for gallstones, so maintaining a healthy weight and regular exercise can help lower cholesterol which can lead to the formation of gallstones. If symptoms worsen, surgery may be required for removal of the gallbladder.

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Treatment Options for Gallbladder Disease

“Someone who is having a gallbladder attack might experience sharp pain in their upper right or center abdomen. The pain can also travel to their back and turn into a dull pain,” said Chris Uitvlugt, DO, general surgeon at McLaren Bay Region. “Causes and symptoms vary but eating fatty foods can often cause discomfort to arise.”

“Gallstones don’t always require surgery, but people with persistent symptoms should be aware of complications associated with more serious issues," adds Dr. Uitvlugt “It’s important to discuss with your primary care physician or surgeon to determine if surgery would be beneficial. Complications such as acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis, or cholangitis (due to inflammation in the gallbladder, pancreas, or liver) are among the risks with symptomatic gallstones.”

“People with persistent gallstones should be aware of complications associated with more serious issues,” said Dr. Uitvlugt. “Conditions such as acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis or cholangitis (due to inflammation in the gallbladder, pancreas or liver) are all risks when symptomatic gallstones are present. Gallstones don’t always require surgery, but it’s important to discuss with your primary care provider or surgeon whether surgery would be beneficial.”

Treatment options include non-surgical and surgical options. When surgery is the option, minimally invasive approaches can be used in some cases which can result in reduced recovery times and minimal scarring; benefits of robotic surgery results vary.

Because the gallbladder is not an essential organ, you can live a healthy life without it. Minimally invasive surgical procedures are common for the removal of the gallbladder, and you can usually go home on the day of the procedure.

If you have high cholesterol, have a family history of gallbladder disease, and/or are experiencing symptoms associated with gallstones, talk with your doctor about possible treatment plans.

Dr. Uitvlugt is seeing patients in his Midland and Bay City Clinic locations.

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Chris Uitvlugt, DO, General Surgeon
Chris Uitvlugt, DO
General Surgeon

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