HEDIS 2020 | Controlling High Blood Pressure

Every patient aged 18-85 with a diagnosis of hypertension during the measurement year should have a controlled blood pressure reading documented.

Controlling high blood pressure is an important step in preventing heart attacks, stroke and kidney disease, and in reducing the risk of developing other serious conditions. Control is being defined as: Systolic <140 and Diastolic <90.

This metric will be weighted heavily in the Clinical Quality Metrics for commercial and Medicare populations.


  • The most recent BP reading during the measurement year on or after the date when the second claim for hypertension was submitted.
  • BP can be taken from remote monitor devices that are digitally stored and transmitted directly to provider.
  • If the BP reading is high at the beginning of the visit, retake it at the end of the visit and record both systolic and diastolic readings while reporting the lower of the two.
  • Visit type need not be the same for the two visits. Only one of the two visits may be in the form of a telephone visit, an online assessment or a telehealth visit.


  • Diagnosis of pregnancy in the measurement year.
  • Non-acute admission in the measurement year. (i.e. skilled nursing facility, rehab)
  • Evidence of ESRD, dialysis, nephrectomy or kidney transplant.

Tips on how to get an accurate BP measurement:

  • Empty bladder prior to taking Blood Pressure (full bladder adds 10 mm hg)
  • Uncross legs, (crossed legs add 2.8 mm hg)
  • Use correct cuff size (to small of a cuff adds 2-10 mm hg)
  • Support to back and feet, (unsupported back and feet adds 6.5 mm hg)
  • Put cuff on bare arm (cuff over clothing adds 5-50 mm hg)
  • Support arm at heart level (unsupported arm adds 10 mm hg)
  • No conversations while taking BP (talking or active listening adds 10 mm hg)

Watch video explaining BP management in the office setting


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