Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Locations

Occupational Therapy is a science-driven, evidence-based profession that enables people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health and prevent - or live better with - illness, injury or disability. Patients having difficulty living independently because of physical, developmental or other injuries or disabilities, can utilize McLaren Health Care's Occupational Therapy services. Our team of experts helps patients with goal-oriented activities that prevent and diminish physical restrictions while increasing independence.

Every patient has his or her own unique return to daily living needs. McLaren's team of occupational therapists have the skills to help patients with the physiological and emotional obstacles they will encounter as they strive to return to the activities of daily living. Occupational therapists help patients improve their ability to perform tasks in living and working environments. They work with individuals who suffer from a mentally, physically, developmentally, or emotionally disabling condition. They use treatments to develop, recover, or maintain the daily living and work skills of their patients. They not only help patients improve their basic motor functions and reasoning ability, they also help them learn to compensate for permanent loss of function. The goal is to help clients have independent, productive, and satisfying lives.

Conditions and Diagnosis

  • Stroke and neurological care
  • Breast cancer rehabilitation
  • Hand therapy
  • Parkinson’s Disease treatment
  • Activities of daily living assessments
  • Lymphedema management
  • Memory and problem solving
  • Adaptive equipment assessment and training

Occupational Therapy Locations Near You

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