How Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Greater Lansing is Optimizing Cancer Care

A cancer diagnosis is a life-changing experience, but with continuing advances in cancer treatment and therapies, cancer survival and outcomes have significantly improved. Through a partnership with MSU Health Care, the Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Greater Lansing continues to optimize the cancer care experience so that patients have their best chance forward.

“MSU Health Care’s partnership with Karmanos and McLaren brings the best to the Lansing region that includes our radiologists, surgeons, and researchers who collaborate in offering the latest and greatest in cancer care,” said Jatin Rana, MD, medical oncologist for MSU Health Care, who also provides care at the Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Greater Lansing.

One of these benefits is the use of a teamwork approach that is unique to every patient. This allows for different specialized professionals who work closely to decide the best course of action with the overarching goal of improving treatment efficiency and patient care.   

"In the example of breast cancer patients, the timing of their abnormal mammography and subsequent biopsy diagnosis to when they initiate treatment all plays an integral role in their care," said Dr. Rana. “After a patient is diagnosed, our breast tumor board meets to formulate an individualized treatment course and have the patient establish with the rest of the care team to help them with any resources they may need.”

This could include financial assistance, transportation needs, and setting up appointments with various specialists. 

"We know that cancer care is more than just about the treatment,” said Dr. Rana. “We have a team of oncology social workers and nurse navigators to help patients navigate some of the hardships associated with a cancer diagnosis.”

Additionally, through the Karmanos Cancer Network, patients are also given access to clinical trials along with a wide variety of educational, spiritual, palliative care, and nutrition assistance that provide support that patients and their families need to have a successful journey through cancer.

Want to learn more about optimizing the cancer care experience? Dr. Rana will be joining other experts and researchers in cancer care through a panel discussion at the Karmanos Cancer Institute’s 13th Annual All Cancer Symposium where they will dive in more on advancements and treatments centered around the patient’s experience. The event, which takes place on September 9, 2023, is free and attendees can participate in person or virtually. Register now.

Learn more about Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Greater Lansing.

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