McLaren Northern Michigan EMS Appreciation Week

May 17-23 is Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Appreciation Week. McLaren Northern Michigan like to express our heartfelt appreciation for all of our partners in Emergency Services. These dedicated first responders provide lifesaving care each and every day. Whether it is a stroke, heart attack, or accident, every second counts in an emergency. EMS teams are equipped to handle emergencies and can be the difference between life and death.

“We would like to thank all of our Public Safety and EMS Providers for the dedicated care they provide our community. We have a very strong pre-hospital emergency response system within our region that allows us to be in contact with EMS from the time a 911 call is placed to the time a patient arrives to our department,” expressed Kal Attie, MD, FACEP, EMS/Medical Control Director and Emergency Physician at McLaren Northern Michigan. “This partnership allows us to ensure the best patient care begins on scene with the arrival of our highly trained and professional pre-hospital personnel. We cannot stress enough the importance of calling 9-1-1.”

Why call 9-1-1 if you think you can drive yourself or have a loved one drive you?
EMS can provide care and transportation that is faster and safer than driving yourself. EMS communicates with the hospital and physician before arriving at the emergency room. This allows the hospital to mobilize staff needed to treat the emergency and be ready the second you arrive.

What are the benefits of calling 9-1-1 in an emergency?
Care starts as soon as EMS arrives, increasing your chance of survival.


  • Communicates your symptoms and vital signs to the hospital
  • Provides treatment such as oxygen and medications
  • Starts your IV and draws blood
  • Can perform CPR and shock your heart if your condition worsens
  • Notifies the hospital so heart or stroke teams can be ready
  • Is trained for driving under emergency conditions

What are the risks of not calling 9-1-1?

  • If your condition worsens, your driver cannot assist you while driving
  • If driving yourself, you may be endangering the lives of others
  • You may not be going to the hospital best suited to treat your condition, delaying life-saving treatment
  • Driving when upset or emotional distracts your focus, judgment, and concentration

What are common questions EMS and medical professionals will ask?

  • When did you last see the person symptom free?
  • What are the symptoms?
  • When did they begin?
  • Did the person receive an injury or fall recently?
  • Are you experiencing chest pain?
  • Are you short of breath?
  • What medications have been taken in last 24 hours?

What to do while waiting for EMS?

  • Stay calm. Help is on the way. Call family
  • Record name and birthdate
  • Write down cell phone number of family
  • Bag all medications
  • Collect ID and health insurance cards