CI Physician Education & CME Updates | September 2022 | Newsflash

September 7, 2022

Clinical Integration Physician Education & CME Updates


The Clinical Integration Performance Period 2 of 2022 Physician Education Video is now available on the MPP website for PCP’s, Specialists, Pediatricians, and all St. Luke Physicians.


You can access our website by clicking this link:

Please open with Google Chrome.


This video targets proper technique for clinicians to obtain a controlled blood pressure in the office setting and patient educational materials for proper technique at home.


Upon completion of the physician education video, physicians are eligible to receive 1.5 CME credits. The way in which CME certificates are received has recently changed. Physicians will now be directed to a new CME registration link.  We have provided instructions below to help navigate the new steps. There are also CME Tracker resource videos throughout McLaren Health Care’s new CME registration process. This new process applies to employed and independent physicians.


For CI Score Card credit, please complete the Blood Pressure Physician Education Video by 12/31/22.


If you have any questions, please contact your regional MPP Quality Performance Specialist or email the Quality department at