Back and Neck Therapy

At McLaren locations throughout Michigan, our therapists perform comprehensive back and neck evaluations to help identify the cause of patient complaints. An individualized plan of care is established with our therapists drawing upon many treatment methods including therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, and education to help reduce pain, improve strength, motion, endurance, along with promoting optimal health and function.

Injuries we treat

  • Non specific neck and back pain
  • Cervical and Lumbar disc herniation
  • Cervical and lumbar spondylosis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Cervical and Lumbar facet arthropathy
  • Rehabilitation after Cervical and Lumbar fusion
  • Spinal instability
  • Myofacial trigger point treatment
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Back pain associated with pregnancy

Physical therapy techniques may include

  • Cervical and Lumbar stabilization exercises to improve neck and back muscle, strength, performance, and motor control.
  • Manual therapy techniques to reduce pain and improve mobility include:
    • Joint mobilization
    • Muscle energy techniques
    • Myofascial techniques
  • Aquatherapy
  • Therapeutic modalities such as:
    • Cervical and lumbar traction
    • Electrical stimulation
    • Ultrasound
    • Hot packs
    • Cold packs


rehabilitation, senior services, stroke services, trauma services

Balance Screening - West Branch

2110 South M-76
West Branch

rehabilitation, senior services, stroke services, trauma services

Balance Screening - Bay City

4175 N. Euclid
West Side Medical Mall
Bay City

physical therapy

Balance and Fall Prevention - A Healthwise Event

Physical Therapy Gym
3101 Discovery Drive, Ste. 700

rehabilitation, senior services, stroke services, trauma services

Balance Screening - Bay City

4175 N. Euclid
West Side Medical Mall
Bay City
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