Every calorie counts: How many calories do your daily activities burn?

Thank you for joining McLaren Oakland in bringing awareness to diabetes during November and American Diabetes Month. Continue to help them bring awareness to and help prevent the disease in adults all year long.

Almost 30 million people in the United States are diabetic, representing about 9.3 percent of the population. With 8.1 million undiagnosed and 79 million diagnosed as pre-diabetic, the number of diabetic Americans is certainly poised to grow.

Every little bit can aid in avoiding becoming diabetic, the most effective being maintaining a healthy diet and body weight, achieved by staying active.

Some of your everyday activities can burn more calories than you may have thought, helping to keep you active and healthy. (Calories burned per hour)
Light housework (150)
Strolling (150)
Golfing with cart (175)
Level walking (200)
Cycling (210)
Cleaning windows, mopping, vacuuming (240)
Paced walking (275)
Bowling (300)
Golf pulling cart (300)
Scrubbing floors (300)
Cycling (325)
Golf carrying clubs (350)
Volleyball (350)
Roller skating (350)
Table tennis (360)
Vigorous dancing (320-500)
Ice skating (400)
Wood chopping (400-600)
Jogging (480)
Hill climbing (490)
Downhill skiing (550)
Running (660-850)
Cross-country skiing (600-1200)

If you think you may be at risk for diabetes, make an appointment with a McLaren Oakland family medicine physician at mclaren.org/oaklandappointments.