McLaren Caro Region Offers World-Class Cancer Care Close to Home for Residents of Tuscola County and Beyond
McLaren Caro Region
welcomes Karmanos Cancer Institute's
board-certified medical oncologist, Somdev
Roy, MD, and oncology nurse practitioner,
Katie Lange, FNP-BC.
Together, Dr. Roy and Lange create
individualized plans for their patients with
dynamic cancer treatment options.
Dr. Roy and Lange will be on-site at McLaren
Caro Region every second and fourth
Wednesday of the month for initial evaluations, follow-ups or re-evaluations and second
opinions. Some infusion treatments may be available in Caro, our team will work with you
to determine the best treatment plan.
With Karmanos Cancer Institute, patients receive access to a network of Karmanos
Cancer Institute's multidisciplinary teams and the latest cancer-fighting care.
Full-service infusion treatment rooms are available in Bay City and Bad Axe. Bay City is
also home to a Radiation Oncology Center. Karmanos offers access to treatment options
including proton therapy, gamma knife, intensity-modulated radiation therapy, variant
linear accelerator, and more.
The latest cancer research, better treatment options, access to clinical trials, and
advanced cancer care are made available to residents throughout Michigan's Thumb.
"We are pleased to offer access to advanced level of cancer care to our patients," said
Connie Koutouzos, president and CEO of McLaren Caro Region. "We are excited to offer
cutting-edge cancer care to our community, preserving precious resources and time often
required for patients when they seek treatment outside of the area.”
Karmanos Cancer Institute is one of only 51 National Cancer Institute-designated
comprehensive cancer centers in the United States.