Hepatitis A is a vaccine-preventable, communicable disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus. Public health officials and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) are continuing to see an elevated number of hepatitis A cases in Southeast Michigan.
Since the beginning of the outbreak in August 2016, public health response has included increased healthcare awareness efforts, public notification and education, and outreach with vaccination clinics for high-risk populations.
MDHHS has developed a new website to house information related to the ongoing outbreak of Hepatitis A in Southeast Michigan (http://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71550_2955_2976_82305_82310-447907--,00.html). The website provides a summary of the outbreak, an overview of hepatitis A, the public health response (such as vaccination clinics and contact information for local health departments of the affected jurisdictions), and helpful resources for health professionals and the public (like educational brochures, vaccine statements, press releases, and letters to providers). Case counts, hospitalizations, and deaths will be updated every Friday at 4PM EST.
MDHHS urges all healthcare providers to promote Hepatitis A Vaccination.
Source and High-risk Populations: No common sources of food, beverages, or drugs have been identified as a potential source of infection. Transmission appears to be through direct person-to-person spread via fecal-oral route and illicit drug use. Those with history of injection and non-injection drug use, homelessness or transient housing, and incarceration are thought to be at greater risk in this outbreak setting. Additionally, MDHHS has also identified the following as high-risk populations - food handlers, healthcare workers, travelers to countries with high or medium rates of Hep A Virus [HAV], persons with HAV or underlying liver disease and persons in close contact with any of the above groups.
McLaren Health Care Corporation supports the recommendations of the MDHHS and encourages high risk
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services [MDHHS] link:
Centers for Disease Control [CDC] and Prevention website: Hepatitis A Information