Port Huron, MI – Katlyn Petitpren has been named the Employee of the Month for November. Petitpren has worked at McLaren Port Huron since 2016 as a registered nurse in the
Emergency Center.
Petitpren was nominated by her peers because she embodies the values of McLaren Port Huron. She goes above and beyond for patients, always addressing their concerns with compassion. Patients appreciate her comforting demeanor. A team player, Petitpren is always willing to help coworkers and assists wherever needed. Her positive attitude, smile and sense of humor help brighten the atmosphere in her department.
This employee recognition is given to individuals who consistently live the values, mission and performance standards of McLaren Port Huron. Honorees are nominated by a co-worker, physician, volunteer, and/or customer.
To learn more about McLaren Port Huron, visit www.mclaren.org/porthuron.