Opioid Hedis Measure | November 19, 2018 | Clinical Corner

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This facility utilizes the Michigan Automated Prescription System In partnership with the state of Michigan to assist in the prevention of prescription drug abuse, diversion, overprescribing, and overdispensing of controlled substances, and to ensure the health and safety of our community.

  1. For members 18 years and older, the rate per 1,000 receiving prescription opioids at a high dosage for at least 15 days during the measurement year (average morphine equivalent dose [MED] > 120mg).
  2. For members 18 years and older, the rate per 1,000 receiving prescription opioids for at least 15 days during the measurement year, who receive opioids from multiple providers.
    a. Multiple Prescribers: The rate per 1,000 of members receiving prescriptions for opioids from four or more prescribers during the measurement year.
    b. Multiple Pharmacies: The rate per 1,000 of members receiving prescriptions for opioids from four or more pharmacies during the measurement year.
  3. Required exclusions include any of the following during the measurement year:
    a. Members who had only a single opioid medication dispensing event.
    b. Cancer
    c. Sickle Cell Disease

We have sent out a list of patients to providers who have a patient number greater than 8 that meet these criteria.

If you did not receive a list of patients that fit these criteria and would like one, please contact our office.

Check MAPS for every opioid prescription

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Preston Thomas, Associate Medical Director at 248-484-4980 or [email protected]