Lori Burke, MD is a graduate of the University of Michigan Medical School. She met Jennifer Hoffman, MD, while working as obstetrician-gynecologists and they both shared a passion for improving the patient experience while navigating the healthcare system. During their work together they identified that coordinated care for patients living with substance use disorders is lacking. They dedicated themselves to learning more about the specialty of addiction medicine and became board certified in 2023. At Connected Health, Drs. Burke and Hoffman will offer addiction medicine services for individuals of all genders and gynecologic care to anyone with needs.
Their services include:
They understand that addiction and gynecological conditions can be complex and challenging, and are committed to working with their patients to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets their individual needs. They believe that addiction and gynecological conditions are best treated in a coordinate and integrated manner. By working together with their patients, they can provide them with the care they need to achieve their health goals.