Provider Profile:
Dawn Ebersole, FNP-BC

  • Ebersole, Dawn

    Dawn Ebersole, FNP-BC

    Virtual Care Appointment Available McLaren Medical PhysicianClick for McLaren Medical Physician DefinitionMcLaren Health care employs primary care physicians and specialists at convenient locations with varying hours and same-day appointments where available to ensure your healthcare is covered for all stages of life.
    reviews details
    • Gastroenterology
    McLaren Northern Michigan - Digestive Health
    560 W. Mitchell Street, Suite M40
    Petoskey, MI 49770
    Get Directions
    Phone:(231) 487-2391
    Fax: (231) 487-6513
  • Locations


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    McLaren Northern Michigan - Digestive Health

    560 W. Mitchell Street, Suite M40
    Petoskey, MI 49770
    Get Directions
    Phone:(231) 487-2391
    Fax: (231) 487-6513
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    Virtual Care Information

    Virtual Care

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    Virtual Visit Appointment Information

    Below is information about how to schedule and start a virtual visit with your physician

    1. Call the office and request a virtual visit.

      If your medical need can be managed by a telehealth visit, the office will assist you in scheduling an appointment.

      Telehealth appointments are confidential visits between a patient (regardless of location) and provider. Patients can participate in telehealth visits using any web-camera-enabled device such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer with a web camera installed.

    2. Receive an email with login instructions

      Once the appointment is scheduled, the patient will receive an email from with a link to the “virtual waiting room” the day before the visit.

    3. Login 15 minutes prior to your visit

      On the day of the visit, the patient is contacted by a staff member from the office about 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment to assist the patient in entering the “Virtual Waiting Room”.

    Need Care Now?
    If you need care faster than this provider's availability, we have other options for you.

    Need Care Today?

    McLarenNow Virtual Care

    McLaren Now is a 24/7/365 On-Demand Virtual Visit

    Schedule a McLarenNow Virtual Visit
    McLaren Northern Michigan MedCenter - Boyne
    1249 M-75, Boyne City, MI 49712
    McLaren Northern Michigan MedCenter - Petoskey South
    1890 US-131 #4, Petoskey, MI 49770