Pregnancy Through Toddler Outreach - Bay County

Annual Community Baby Shower

This "Celebration of Families" is a community event that provides information on area prenatal and parenting resources, as well as educational seminars, lunch, and shower prizes for those families in attendance. This event serves expectant families, as well as those with a baby up to 4 months of age. 

Rock & Rest Station

McLaren Bay Region collaborates with the Bay Area Breastfeeding Coalition to provide Rock & Rest Stations for families with babies. These stations furnish a shady place for parents to feed and change their baby as well as bottled water for that much needed "hydration break." These stations are provided at community events such as the 4th of July and Tall Ships Festivals 

Annual World Breastfeeding Walk

McLaren Bay Region collaborates with the Bay Area Breastfeeding Coalition in holding this yearly community awareness event in support of Breastfeeding. This walk takes place along Bay City's beautiful friendship shell and includes lunch and drawings for prizes.

March of Dimes -- March for Babies Annual Event

McLaren Bay Region participates as a sponsor for this event and is represented by a team of walkers made up of McLaren Bay Region employees and their families.   The 3-1/2 mile trek to support this very worthy cause is well attended.

Safe Journey - Substance Abuse by Expectant Mothers

Safe Journey is a task force formed in light of the alarming increase in the number of expectant mothers using harmful substances during pregnancy, which often has very detrimental effects on these newborns.  The consequences become long term due to the effects on growth and brain development.  The goal of Safe Journey is to bring awareness to this very important issue in an effort to decrease the incidence of drug/substance use prenatally.  A fundraiser was held at Kingfish.

Patient Stories

McLaren Health Care

"Thank you Dr. Cockfield for making the scariest day of my life become the most amazing. My baby and I are alive and healthy because of your knowledge and quick decision making. We are eternally g...

Betsy Cowles

McLaren Health Care

Elisabeth (Betsy) Cowles, a young 38-year-old mother of four and a full-time student, was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer when she thought she had a clogged milk duct while nursing her new ba...
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obstetrics, womens health

Childbirth Education - Comfort and Relaxation

Duffy Classroom
1221 Pine Grove Ave
Port Huron

obstetrics, womens health

Breastfeeding 101

Drew Classroom
1221 Pine Grove Ave
Port Huron

obstetrics, womens health

Virtual Childbirth Crash Course – Free of Charge

obstetrics, womens health

Saturday Childbirth Cram Class - February 22 | McLaren Northern Michigan, Cheboygan Campus

748 S Main St.
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