Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight throughout life can help prevent serious health problems.


To stay at a healthy weight you must balance healthy eating with physical activity. However, the truth is that over two-thirds of adults struggle with being overweight or obese. The good news for most is that weight loss of even a few pounds can have a positive impact on health and brings you closer to achieving a healthy weight.


Why a Healthy Weight Is Important

When body weight is in a healthy zone, meaning body mass index (BMI) is between 18.5 and 24.9, the body systems function more normally and with less stress.

  • Blood circulates more efficiently
  • Fluid levels are managed easily
  • Chances of developing health issues like diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, gallstones, osteoarthritis, breathing problems and sleep apnea are reduced
  • Joints move more freely
  • Energy levels increase
  • Achieving a positive self-image is more likely


How to Work Towards a Healthy Weight

The simple formula of burning more calories than you eat combined with these 5 tips can help one lose weight. Understand weight loss is a process that will take time and effort. Each pound lost is one step towards better health.

  1. Be realistic with your expectations. Set short term goals that are achievable and set you up for success in a long term healthy weight achievement goal. Losing a pound or even a half a pound a week is moving you closer to your goal.
  2. Keep a food log. Track your intake- any food, drink, snack you consume. Include quantity, time of day/night, and why you are eating/drinking it. Are you really hungry, bored, angry, or what caused you to eat it? Being able to understand why you are eating can often times help one better plan alternative things to do when experiencing different emotions.
  3. Manage portion sizes. Most foods are ok in moderation but consuming too much of certain foods adds to more calories, fat, and actually triggers the brain to crave those foods more. Make sure to look at serving size based on your nutritional needs. American-sized portions have contributed to our “larger sized” nation.
  4. Make smart choices. Work with a registered dietitian to help you make healthier choices while still enjoying flavors that you like. For your sweet tooth, sweetness can be achieved through fruits and vegetables, which are smarter choices than foods with added sugars. Whole grains provide a longer lasting “full” feeling reducing one’s desire to consume more foods.
  5. Be active. Move your body. Increase your heart rate and sweat. Find activities that you enjoy or accomplish a desired task. Instead of just letting the dog outside, go out and take the dog for a walk. The dog gets to accomplish its task and you are active. Try an aquatic fitness class. The water provides a different environment that you may really like. Work up to 150 minutes of activity a week.


For more information about achieving a healthy weight talk to your health care provider.


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