Board Certified Lactation Consultant
At McLaren Port Huron, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant sees most mothers and babies while in the hospital on Family Birth Place. For problems or concerns after discharge, the mother may call the Breastfeeding Line, and if needed, an appointment for a consultation may be set up. It is not necessary to deliver your baby at McLaren Port Huron in order to contact our lactation consultant. Common problems are having a premature infant, breast pump information, low milk supply, low infant weight gain, sore nipples, and developing a plan for going back to work.
If you or your baby are sick: If you are running a fever and have a red, painful area in your breast, call your physician right away. If your baby is sleepy, not waking up for feedings, or showing signs of infection, call your baby's doctor right away.
McLaren Port Huron Breastfeeding Line - (810) 989-3432
If you are ever in doubt about your baby not getting enough to eat directly from the breast, please supplement your baby with your breast milk and/or formula and call your doctor and lactation consultant for help.