Port Huron, MI – Christopher Barnes has been named the Employee of the Month for June. Barnes has worked at McLaren Port Huron for nine years, and is currently unit secretary in electrophysiology.
Barnes was nominated by his peers because he embodies the values of McLaren Port Huron. Barnes spends extra time with patients and families, and makes each patient’s experience special by catering to their individual needs. He is kind, compassionate, and caring, and his work ethic is
outstanding. He goes above and beyond his job to provide an excellent environment for staff and patients. Barnes takes on extra duties and makes every task look easy. His coworkers say he is a wonderful asset to the department.
This employee recognition is given to individuals who consistently live the values, mission and performance standards of McLaren Port Huron. Honorees are nominated by a co-worker, physician, volunteer, and/or customer.
To learn more about McLaren Port Huron, visit www.mclaren.org/porthuron.