Highlights of the final rule:
The size of your positive adjustments will depend both on how much data you submit and on your performance results on the data submitted
MIPS Track:
Four performance categories linked by their connection to quality and value of patient care.
Improvement Activities
Advancing Care Information
Replaces PQRS
New Category
Replaces Meaningful Use Program
Replaces Value-Based Modifier
2017 Weight:
2017 Weight
Report up to 6 quality measures including one outcome measure for a minimum of 90 days
Attest completion of up to 4 improvement activities for a minimum of 90 days
Fulfill the required measures for a minimum of 90 days: -Security Risk Analysis - e-Prescribing -Provide Patient Access -Send Summary of Care - Request/Accept Summary of Care
Choose to submit up to 9 measures for a minimum of 90 days for additional credit
No data submission is required. Calculated form adjudicated claims.
Groups in APMs qualifying for special scoring under MIPS, such as MSSP Track 1 or the Oncology Care Model: Report quality measures through your APM, no additional reporting.
Groups in APMs qualifying for special scoring under MIPS, such as MSSP Track 1 or the Oncology Care Model: Will receive full credit.
McLaren Physician Partners will report quality measures on behalf of its ACO providers
Participants certified by BCBSM as patient-centered medical homes or who participate in the McLaren ACO: Will automatically earn full credit for this category and avoid negative penalty in 2019
APM Track:
Increasing Advanced APM Opportunities:
MIPS APM scoring adjustment:
For more information please go to the QPP website @ qpp.cms.gov.
If you have questions, please contact Dr. Michael Ziccardi, Medical Director at (248) 484-4923 or [email protected].