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Patient Stories

Bill DuRussel

McLaren Flint

Bill DuRussel of Munger, Michigan continues to defy the odds with his incredible recovery from a stroke which occurred several hours after undergoing a carotid endarterectomy to clear out a carotid...

Jeff Miller

McLaren Flint

A typical weekday turned surreal on August 10, 2020, for Jeff Miller, a physician assistant who has helped care for joint replacement patients at McLaren Flint for 24 years. He worked his day shift...

Barbara Strickland

McLaren Flint

Why it is so important not to ignore things about your health that are out of the ordinary.
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The Latest From McLaren Flint

A Father's Love Inspired Him to Have Life-Changing Surgery

A Father's Love Inspired Him to Have Life-Changing Surgery

Last year, after a lifetime struggling with his weight, Randy Cragg became more motivated than ever to finally be free. “For years I tried differe...

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Esteemed Local Artist Donates Paintings to Hospitality House at McLaren

Esteemed Local Artist Donates Paintings to Hospitality House at McLaren

Genesee County painter Anni Crouter, pictured above with Doug Glazier, Vice President of the McLaren Foundation, recently donated two pieces of he...

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McLaren Stroke Network Sites Earn National Recognitions for Stroke Care Proficiency

McLaren Stroke Network Sites Earn National Recognitions for Stroke Care Proficiency

Routinely recognized for its care, the McLaren Stroke Network, with programs at multiple McLaren Health Care hospitals throughout the state, has a...

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